Monday, September 2, 2013

Top Ramen Through A Glass Darkly

Luckily I sit facing a huge window at work while I clickity clack away on the keyboard creating content for other people's websites. That window provides better entertainment than Master Chef and Psych combined! You see, it's that kind of glass that I can see out of, but unknowing passersby cannot see into. My "office" is the bottom floor of a five story student complex. Watching students move-in the last couple of weeks was made even more interesting than it would have been naturally because of those one-way mirror windows.

When people look in those windows from the outside, they always seem to look right into my eyes. I look away quickly in that awkward moment when you make random eye contact with a complete stranger. But then I remember, they can't see me. I still have not gotten over the creepiness of people looking right at me even though they can't see me.

It is sad how little students possess in the way of real stuff. Even the stuff they do own is highly colored less than quality junk from Target. But the thing that intrigued me the most, was the volume of top ramen I watched pass by. Somehow, top ramen doesn't seem to qualify as real food in my mind and I wondered if that legend about starving students was true. I lived at home during my single years, happily cooking everything but ramen for my parents and siblings. 

 I suppose it makes sense after all. Junky Target stuff and the bright pink packaging of shrimp flavored ramen do go well together. The question is, would you sell your culinary sensibilities to the devil for $.25?

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